Nieminski: Physalis angulata Club–Shaped Style With Green Terminal, Capitate Stigma Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Physalis angulata Club–Shaped Style With Green Terminal, Capitate Stigma With The Oblong, Bilobed Anthers Straight After Anthesis Covered With White Pollen Grains Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Physalis angulata Fruit Pendent And Enveloped By Expanded, 5-Angled Reticulately-Veined Calyx Tube With The Mouth Closed By Connivent Lobes Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Physalis angulata Solanaceae Basifixed, Dithecal Anthers, Longitudinally Dehiscent with White Pollen Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Physalis angulata Solanaceae Calyx Cupulatem, Corolla With Broadly Triangular Lobes, Flowers Solitary In Leaf Axils, Pedicel Erect Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Physalis angulata Solanaceae Fruit Berry Pendent And Enveloped By Expanded, 5-Angled Reticulately-Veined Calyx Tube Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Physalis angulata Solanaceae Mucilage Trichomes Near The Tube Mouth Attract Monomorium nigrius Ants Foraging For Nectar Or Fallen Pollen Grains Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Physalis angulata Solanaceae Puberulous Calyx 5–Lobed, Bell–Shaped, Depressed At The Pedicel, Ribbed, Lobes Equal Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Physalis angulata Solanaceae White Pollen Grains Cover The Basifixed, Dithecal Anthers, Longitudinally Dehiscent Surrounding The Green Terminal & Capitate Stigma Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Physalis angulata White Pollen Grains On Anthers, Style & Stigma Stigma Attract Monomorium nigrius Ants Foraging For Nectar Or Pollen Grains Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Pollen Wasp Possibly Metaparagia borreriae Masarinae On Waltheria sp. Uses Long Suctorial Proboscis Formed By The Glossa For Harvesting Pollen And Nectar Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Pseudomussaenda flava Calycophyll Stalk & Tubular Calyces, Style Withered & Fallen Off ExposingThe Inferior Ovary Hypanthium Cup, Corolla Lobes Discarded Urban Darwin
Nieminski: Pseudomussaenda flava Densely Villous Hairs Continue From The Throat & Surround The Tubular Throat, Emergent Pollen Grains Possibly Presented To Potential Pollinators Urban Darwin
Nieminski: Pseudomussaenda flava Densely Villous Yellow & Orange Hairs Continue From The Tube & Surround The Corolla Throat Urban Darwin
Nieminski: Pseudomussaenda flava Inside CorollaThroat Densely Villous Surrounding Linear Anthers With Longitudinal Anthers Shedding Pollen In Aggregates Urban Darwin
Nieminski: Pseudomussaenda flava Inside Throat Of Corolla Densely Villous Surrounding Linear Anthers With Longitudinal Anther Dehiscence Shedding Pollen In Aggregates Urban Darwin
Nieminski: Pseudomussaenda flava Inside Throat Of Corolla Densely Villous With Yellow Hairs Surrounding Linear Anthers With Longitudinal Anther Dehiscence Shedding Pollen In Aggregates Urban Darwin
Nieminski: Pseudomussaenda flava Rubiaceae Exserted Long Slender Style, Branched With Stigmatic Tissue Attached To The Abaxial Surface Urban Darwin
Nieminski: Pseudomussaenda flava Rubiaceae Green Corolla Tube Elongated & Funnel Shaped Urban Darwin
Nieminski: Pseudomussaenda flava Rubiaceae Inflorescence Carrying An Enlarged Petaloid Sepal Or Calycophyll Urban Darwin
Nieminski: Pseudomussaenda flava Rubiaceae Inflorescence Compound Umbel Urban Darwin 01
Nieminski: Pseudomussaenda flava Rubiaceae Inflorescence Compound Umbel, Campanulate Calyx Glabrous With Five Linear Lobes Urban Darwin
Nieminski: Pseudomussaenda flava Rubiaceae Inflorescence Compound Umbel, With Persistent Tubular Calyces with Subulate Linear Lobes With Spathulate Bases Urban Darwin
Nieminski: Pseudomussaenda flava Rubiaceae Inflorescences Compound Umbel Urban Darwin
Nieminski: Pseudomussaenda flava Rubiaceae Leaves opposite, simple, petiole Urban Darwin
Nieminski: Pseudomussaenda flava Rubiaceae Leaves opposite, simple, petiole Urban Darwin
Nieminski: Pseudomussaenda flava Rubiaceae Persistent Calycophyll Expanding Into A Stalked, Ovate Blade Urban Darwin 01
Nieminski: Pseudomussaenda flava Rubiaceae Persistent Calycophyll Expanding Into A Stalked, Ovate Blade, Appears To Help Advertise The Flowers To Pollinators Urban Darwin
Nieminski: Pseudomussaenda flava Rubiaceae Persistent Calycophyll Urban Darwin
Nieminski: Pseudomussaenda flava Rubiaceae Persistent Calycophyll Which Enlarges Before Anthesis, While Most Of The Calyx Lobes Retain Original Size Urban Darwin