Nieminski: Acacia difficilis Fabaceae Developing Inflorescence Spike With Calyces With Relatively Long, Spreading Hairs Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Acacia difficilis Fabaceae Inflorescence Spike With Petals & Bilocular Anthers On Staminal Filaments Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Acacia difficilis Fabaceae Inflorescence With A Calyx With Relatively Long, Spreading Hairs Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Acacia difficilis Fabaceae Leaves & Inflorescence Spikes Shoal Bay 01
Nieminski: Acacia difficilis Fabaceae Leaves & Inflorescence Spikes Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Acacia difficilis Fabaceae Mature Inflorescence With A Calyx With Relatively Long, Spreading Hairs Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Acacia difficilis Fabaceae Phyllode Apex Obtuse With Oblique Mucro Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Acacia difficilis Fabaceae Pulvinus & Developing Inflorescences On Axillary Peduncles Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Acacia difficilis Fabaceae With A Glabrous Pulvinus & Extrafloral Nectary Gland Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Acacia difficilis Fabaceae With Numerous, Closely Spaced Longitudinal Veins With Four More Prominent Veins Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Acacia holosericea FABACEAE Densely Sericeous Mucro Found At The Tip Of The Phyllode Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Acacia holosericea FABACEAE Developing Seed Pods Extending From Calyx Tubes With Persistent Dried Stamens Lee Point Coastal
Nieminski: Acacia holosericea FABACEAE Linear Seed Pods Coiled And Intertwined Persisting On Rachis Lee Point Coastal
Nieminski: Acacia holosericea FABACEAE Seed Pods Growing Out From From Dried Hairy Calyx Tube Of The Inflorescence Lee Point Coastal
Nieminski: Acacia holosericea FABACEAE Seed Pods Growing Out From The Hairy Calyx Tubes Of The Inflorescence Persisting On Rachis Lee Point Coastal
Nieminski: Acacia holosericea FABACEAE Unpollinated Dried Inflorescence & Pollinated Seed Pods Extending From The Calyx Tube Persisting On Rachis Lee Point Coastal
Nieminski: Acacia holosericea FABACEAE Unpollinated Dried Inflorescence Persisting On Rachis Lee Point Coastal
Nieminski: Acacia leptocarpa Phyllodes Linear To Narrowly Curved Shoal Bay 01
Nieminski: Acacia leptocarpa Axillary Inflorescence Come From The Upper Angle Between The Phyllode And The Branchlet Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Acacia leptocarpa Axillary Inflorescence With A Long Peduncle Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Acacia leptocarpa Extrafloral Nectaries On The Swollen Leaf Base Pulvinus Present The Nectar In An Open, Cuplike Gland Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Acacia leptocarpa Fabaceae Calyxes On A Spicate Inflorescence Of Developing Flowers Borne Spirally On A Cylindrical Spike Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Acacia leptocarpa Fabaceae Developing Seed Pods Linear, Cultrate, Straight, Undulate, Raised Over Seeds Alternately On Each Side Shoal Bay 01
Nieminski: Acacia leptocarpa Fabaceae Developing Seed Pods Linear, Cultrate, Straight, Undulate, Raised Over Seeds Alternately On Each Side Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Acacia leptocarpa Fabaceae Glabrous Seed Pod Weakly Coiled & Raised Over Seeds With Thickened Margins Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Acacia leptocarpa Fabaceae Grey Fissured Bark Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Acacia leptocarpa Fabaceae Numerous Staminal Filaments With Small Bilocular, Eight Loculed Anthers Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Acacia leptocarpa Fabaceae Opening Petals Prior To Staminal Filaments Unfolding Or Style & Stigma Extending Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Acacia leptocarpa Fabaceae Petals With Staminal Filaments Unfolded Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Acacia leptocarpa Fabaceae Straight Mucro On Falcate Leaf Shoal Bay