Green-backed Gerygone Gerygone chloronota Acanthizidae Bringing Hatchlings A Grasshopper Possibly Yellow Winged Locust Gastrimargus sp. Moving Diet To Exoskeleton s Shoal Bay
Green-backed Gerygone Gerygone chloronota Acanthizidae Bringing Hatchlings A Plume Moth Sphenarches sp. Larvae Shoal Bay
Green-backed Gerygone Gerygone chloronota Acanthizidae Bringing Hatchlings Possibly A Lemon Migrant Catopsilia Pomona Larvae Shoal Bay
Green-backed Gerygone Gerygone chloronota Approaching The Dome Nest With The Sloping Veranda Means Flapping Flight To Generate Thrust And Lift Shoal Bay
Green-backed Gerygone Gerygone chloronota In Nest Associate Tree For Safety Observational & Pre-Nest Flight Planning Or Ascending & Descending Deceptional Movements Shoal Bay
Green-backed Gerygone Gerygone chloronota Nestling Begging Calls Increase In Frequency & Amplitude When Their Parents Land In The Neighbouring Nest Observation Tree Shoal Bay
Green-backed Gerygone Gerygone chloronota Ready To Cast Off After Delivering Insect Food To The Nestling Shoal Bay
Green-backed Gerygone Gerygone chloronota Using The Passiflora foetida Vine As A Last Safety Check Before Taking The Insect To The Nestling Shoal Bay
Green-backed Gerygone Gerygone chloronota Wingbeat Power Requirements Are Dominated By Downstrokes, While Relatively Inactive Upstrokes Cost Almost No Aerodynamic Power Shoal Bay
Green-backed Gerygone Gerygone chloronota With Feet Straddling Rather Than Spreading Evenly Apart Possibly Indicates A Different Entrance Angle Due To The Nest Moving On The Vine Shoal Bay
Green-backed Gerygone Gerygone chloronota With Grey Crown, Lores, Supercilium& Earcoverts Feathers, Black Upper & Lower Mandibles & White Throat Shoal Bay
Green-backed Gerygone Gerygone chloronota With White Throat, Greyish Breast Feathers Turning Yellow On Its Flanks & Belly Shoal Bay
Green-backed Gerygone Gerygone chloronota’s Nest Construction Dried Plant Material Included Ampelocissus acetosa, Melaleuca leucadendra & Passiflora foetida Leaf Petioles All Locally Sourced Shoal Bay
Green-backed Gerygone Gerygone chloronota’s Nest Construction Include Stitching In Wild Grape Ampelocissus acetosa Vines Including Dried Fruit Shoal Bay
Hemiptera Possibly Fluted Scale Monophlebulus spp. Margarodidae & Formicidae Iridomyrmex sp. On Hibiscus meraukensis Fruit Capsules Globose With Sharp Trichomes Shoal Bay 01
Hemiptera Possibly Fluted Scale Monophlebulus spp. Margarodidae & Formicidae Iridomyrmex sp. On Hibiscus meraukensis Fruit Capsules Globose With Sharp Trichomes Shoal Bay
Hibiscus meraukensis Developing Floral Buds With Stipules & Calyx Present, Persistent & With Scattered Erect And Reflexed Prickles And Occasional Stellate Hairs Shoal Bay
Hibiscus meraukensis A Dehiscent Pod Capsule, Brittle & Papery Outer Skin With Trigonous Seeds Inside Shoal Bay
Hibiscus meraukensis Extra Floral Nectaries Occur As Furrows With A Protuberant Border On The Abaxial Surface Veins Of The Leaf Blade Shoal Bay
Hibiscus meraukensis Leaves Palmately Veined, Both Surfaces With Occasional Short Prickles And Scattered Stellate Hairs Shoal Bay
Hibiscus meraukensis Leaves Palmately Veined, Margins Serrate, Both Surfaces With Occasional Short Prickles And Scattered Stellate Hairs Shoal Bay
Hibiscus meraukensis Malvaceae With Extra Floral Nectaries & Most Commonly Linked To Defensive Mutualisms By Iridomyrmex sp. Ants Shoal Bay
Hibiscus meraukensis Malvaceae With PSYLLIDAE sp. HEMIPTERA Feeding On Nectar Secretions From Floral Nectaries Shoal Bay
Hibiscus meraukensis The Extra Floral Nectary Furrow With Trichomes & Parenchyma Tissue Lodged At The Bottom Which Produce Droplets Of Sugar Rich Nectar Shoal Bay
Hibiscus meraukensis Thick Cuticle Edge Of The Furrow Of The Extra Floral Nectary Shoal Bay
Hypoestes floribunda ACANTHACEAE Corolla Bilabiate With Tube Twisted & Cylindrical Below Lee Point
Hypoestes floribunda ACANTHACEAE Leaves Opposite & Petiolate With Equal Pairs & Usually Evergreen Lee Point