Nieminski: Abispa splendida VESPIDA Hunting Moth Catepillars Utetheisa lotrix Erebidae On Crotalaria goreensis Fabaceae Shoal Bay1
Nieminski: Acacia difficilis Fabaceae With Prominent Longitudinal Leaf Nerves Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Acacia difficilis Fabaceae Calyces With Relatively Long, Spreading Hairs Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Acacia difficilis Fabaceae Developing Inflorescences Made Up Of Flower Buds With Unsplit Perianths On The Spike Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Acacia difficilis Fabaceae Female Sterile Flower, With Reduced Gynoecium Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Acacia difficilis Fabaceae Fibrous Bark On Both The Trunks And Branches Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Acacia difficilis Fabaceae Leaf Nerves Closely Parallel Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Acacia difficilis Fabaceae Pistil And Stamen Appeared To Emerge Either Synchronously Or In Quick Succession Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Acacia difficilis Fabaceae Spikes In Axillary Clusters Shoal Bay 01
Nieminski: Acacia difficilis Fabaceae Spikes In Axillary Clusters Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Acacia difficilis Fabaceae With A Straightened Narrow Style & Numerous Stamens With Bilobed Anthers Terminally Located On The Filaments Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Acacia dimidiata FABACEAE Gland Prominent At Pulvinus Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Acacia dimidiata FABACEAE Inflorescence Spike On Simple Axillary Peduncles Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Acacia dimidiata FABACEAE New Growth Phyllodes Dimidiate With Inflorescences On Simple Axillary Peduncles Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Acacia dimidiata FABACEAE Phyllodes Dimidiate Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Acacia dimidiata Inflorescences On Simple Axillary & Hairy Peduncles, 1-4 Per Axil With Spikes Loosely Flowered Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Acacia dimidiata Leaf Veins Are Composed Of Xylem And Phloem Cells Embedded In Parenchyma, Sometimes Sclerenchyma, & Surrounded By Bundle Sheath Cells hoal Bay
Nieminski: Acacia dimidiata Leaf Veins Are Composed Of Xylem And Phloem Cells Embedded In Parenchyma, Sometimes Sclerenchyma, & Surrounded By Bundle Sheath Cells Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Acacia dimidiata Prominent Nerves Concurrent With Lower Margin Near Base With Only The Nerve Closest To Abaxial Margin Extending To Mucro & With Minor Nerves Reticulated Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Acacia dimidiata Prominent Phyllode Nerves Concurrent With Lower Margin Near Base With Only The Nerve Closest To Abaxial Margin Extending To Mucro Shoal Bay 01
Nieminski: Acacia dimidiata Prominent Phyllode Nerves Concurrent With Lower Margin Near Base With Only The Nerve Closest To Abaxial Margin Extending To Mucro Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Acacia holosericea FABACEAE Basal Gland At Pulvinus On Phyllodes Densely Sericeous With Hyaline Hairs Early Morning End Of Wet Season Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Acacia holosericea FABACEAE Basal Gland At Pulvinus On Phyllodes Densely Sericeous With Hyaline Hairs Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Acacia holosericea FABACEAE Basal Gland At Pulvinus Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Acacia holosericea FABACEAE Branchlets Flattened, Densely Sericeous With Hyaline Hairs Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Acacia holosericea FABACEAE Densely Sericeous Mucro Found At The Tip Of The Phyllode Shoal Bay 01
Nieminski: Acacia holosericea FABACEAE Gland At Base Of The Densely Sericeous Mucro Found At The Tip Of The Phyllode Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Acacia holosericea FABACEAE Phyllodes Densely Sericeous With Hyaline Hairs Primary Veins Concurrent With Lower Margin Near Base Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Acacia holosericea FABACEAE Phyllodes Densely Sericeous With Hyaline Hairs Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Acacia holosericea FABACEAE Phyllodes Minor Nerves Form An Elongated net-like Reticulum Between The Main Longitudinal Veins Shoal Bay