Nieminski: Grey-Nicker Nut Guilandina Bonduc Bell-Shaped Calyx With The Lowest Sepal Hood-Shaped As The Flower Bud Opens Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Grey-Nicker Nut Guilandina Bonduc FABACEAE Coastal Inflorescence On Liana Stems With Long Axillary And Terminal Racemes Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Grey-Nicker Nut Guilandina Bonduc FABACEAE Small Recurved Tomentose Prickles Between The Leaflet Pairs On Liana Stems Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Grey-Nicker Nut Guilandina Bonduc FABACEAE Vegetative Growth Of Stem Apices On Liana Stems Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Grey-Nicker Nut Guilandina Bonduc Glandular Trichomes On The Margin Of Opening Petals Reveal Inflorescence Gynoecium Composed Of An Open Style & Stamens Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Grey-Nicker Nut Guilandina Bonduc As The Flower Bud Opens Sepals Split Allowing Petals To Unfold Exposing The Gynoecium Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Grey-Nicker Nut Guilandina Bonduc Bipinnate Leaflets With Leaf Rachises Spiny, With A Pair Of Recurved Spines At The Base Of Leaflets Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Grey-Nicker Nut Guilandina Bonduc Bisexual Female Inflorescence On A Gender Segregated, Peduncled, Terminal And Supra Axillary Spicate Raceme Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Grey-Nicker Nut Guilandina Bonduc Bisexual Female Inflorescence On Gender Segregated Raceme With Fertile Crateriform Stigma & Setulose Style Apex Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Grey-Nicker Nut Guilandina Bonduc Bisexual Female Inflorescence On Gender Segregated Raceme With Infertile Anthers & Fertile Crateriform Stigma & Style Shoal Bay 01
Nieminski: Grey-Nicker Nut Guilandina Bonduc Bisexual Female Inflorescence On Gender Segregated Raceme With Infertile Stamens & Fertile Crateriform Stigma & Style Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Grey-Nicker Nut Guilandina Bonduc Bisexual Female Inflorescence With Oblong-Elliptic Infertile Anthers With Coriaceous Valves Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Grey-Nicker Nut Guilandina Bonduc Bisexual Female Inflorescence With Pollen Grain Inside The Crater-like Stigma & Setulose Style Apex Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Grey-Nicker Nut Guilandina Bonduc Bisexual Female Ovary Or Now Developing Fruit Pod With Still Persistent Stamens, Petals & A Withering Style Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Grey-Nicker Nut Guilandina Bonduc Bisexual Male Inflorescence On A Gender Segregated, Peduncled, Terminal And Supra Axillary Spicate Raceme Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Grey-Nicker Nut Guilandina Bonduc Bisexual Male Inflorescence With Dehisced Oblong-Elliptic Fertile Anthers & Non-Dispersed Pollen Grains Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Grey-Nicker Nut Guilandina Bonduc Bisexual Male Staminate Inflorescence With A Short Pistillode & Dehiscing Fertile Anthers Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Grey-Nicker Nut Guilandina Bonduc Bisexual Male Staminate Inflorescence With A Short Pistillode & Fertile Anthers At Differing Stages Of Dehiscence Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Grey-Nicker Nut Guilandina Bonduc Bisexual Male Staminate Inflorescence With A Short Pistillode & Ten Fertile Anthers At Similar Stages Of Dehiscence Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Grey-Nicker Nut Guilandina Bonduc Bisexual Male Staminate Inflorescence With A Sterile Vestigial Pistil & Fertile Stamens Covered In Pollen Grains Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Grey-Nicker Nut Guilandina Bonduc Bisexual Male Staminate Inflorescence With Ten Fertile Dehisced Stamens But Lacking A Carpellode Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Grey-Nicker Nut Guilandina Bonduc Bisexual Male Staminate Inflorescence With Ten Pubescent Fertile Dehisced Anthers Covered In Non-Dispersed Pollen Grains Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Grey-Nicker Nut Guilandina Bonduc FABACEAE Developing Flower Buds Amongst Subtending Bracts On A Terminal Raceme Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Grey-Nicker Nut Guilandina Bonduc FABACEAE Bisexual Female Inflorescence On A Sunny Wet Season Afternoon On The Coastal Dunes Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Grey-Nicker Nut Guilandina Bonduc FABACEAE Bisexual Female Inflorescence On Gender Segregated Raceme With Infertile Stamens Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Grey-Nicker Nut Guilandina Bonduc FABACEAE Brochidodromous Looping Venation Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Grey-Nicker Nut Guilandina Bonduc FABACEAE Coastal Inflorescence On Liana Stems With Long Axillary And Terminal Racemes Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Grey-nicker Nut Guilandina bonduc FABACEAE Developing Flower Buds & Mature Bisexual Flowers Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Grey-Nicker Nut Guilandina Bonduc FABACEAE Developing Flower Buds Amongst Tomentose Subtending Bracts On A Terminal Raceme Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Grey-nicker Nut Guilandina bonduc FABACEAE Developing Flower Buds Shoal Bay