Nieminski: Great Carpenter Bee Apidae sp. Posibly Xylocopa (Koptortosoma) aruana Main Pollinator On Grey-Nicker Nut Guilandina Bonduc Coastal Sand Dunes Shoal Bay 01
Nieminski: Great Carpenter Bee Apidae sp. Posibly Xylocopa (Koptortosoma) aruana Main Pollinator On Grey-Nicker Nut Guilandina Bonduc Coastal Sand Dunes Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Grey Whistler Pachycephala simplex Pachycephalidae A Very Quiet & Relaxed Member Of The Whistler Family & Possibly A Femle Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Grey Whistler Pachycephala simplex Pachycephalidae A Very Relaxed Member Of The Whistler Family Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Grey Whistler Pachycephala simplex Pachycephalidae Establishing Its Territory Near The Landward Mangroves Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Grey Whistler Pachycephala simplex Pachycephalidae Quietly Establishing Its Territory Near The Ancient White-flowered Black Mangroves Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Harpoon Bud Gymnanthera oblonga Apocynaceae Leaf Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Helicteres isora Malvaceae Flowering & Growing Profusely In The Rainfall Runoff Channels Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Helicteres isora Malvaceae Persistent Style On Developing Twisting Fruit Densely Clothed Stellate & Stalked Hairs Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Helicteres isora Malvaceae Persistent Style On Emerging Twisting Developing Fruit Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Helicteres isora Malvaceae Pollination Successful & Developing Fruit Beginning To Set Shoal Bay 01
Nieminski: Helicteres isora Malvaceae Pollination Successful & Developing Fruit Beginning To Set Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Helicteres isora Malvaceae Very Little Developing Fruit Which May Indicate Low Rates Of Pollination Or Eaten By Birds Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Heliotrope Moth Utetheisa pulchelloides Erebidae On Developing Mission Grass Stems Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Heliotrope Moth Utetheisa pulchelloides Erebidae On Dried Mission Grass Stems Shoal Bay
Nieminski: House Fly Catcher Plexippus petersi Salticidae Male Urban Drwin
Nieminski: Key's Sharptail Stenocatantops keyi Acrididae On American Rat'sTail Grass Sporobolus jacquemontii Shoal Bay 01
Nieminski: Key's Sharptail Stenocatantops keyi Acrididae On American Rat'sTail Grass Sporobolus jacquemontii Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Lemon-bellied Flycatcher Microeca flavigaster Petroicidae Resting In The Shade Of The Ancient White-flowered Black Mangroves Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Macassar Kernels Brucea javanica Simaroubaceae Calyx Sepaline With The Corolla & Floral Receptacle Villose Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Macassar Kernels Brucea javanica Simaroubaceae Corolla & Eight Stamens Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Macassar Kernels Brucea javanica Simaroubaceae Male Inflorescence Sepaline Calyx & Eight Stamens With Dorsifixed Anthers Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Mangrove Flowering Guide With The Birds Hunting Insects On Flowering Mangrove Will Inform Which Plants Are Currently In A Seasonal Flower Shoal Bay
Nieminski: March Fly Tabanus australicus TABANIDAE Feeding On Me In The Mangroves Shoal Bay
Nieminski: March Fly Tabanus australicus TABANIDAE Abdomen, Thorax, Compound Eyes, Antenna & Proboscis Mangroves Shoal Bay
Nieminski: March Fly Tabanus australicus TABANIDAE All Legs Are With Femora In Dark Brown, Tibiae Paler Brown And Tarsi In Black Mangroves Shoal Bay
Nieminski: March Fly Tabanus australicus TABANIDAE Antennae,Palpus & Labium Shoal Bay
Nieminski: March Fly Tabanus australicus TABANIDAE Compound Eye,Antennae,Palpus & Labium Shoal Bay
Nieminski: March Fly Tabanus australicus TABANIDAE Compound Eyes & Frons Shoal Bay
Nieminski: March Fly Tabanus australicus TABANIDAE Frons, Compound Eyes, Antenna & Labrum & Maxillary Palpi Mangroves Shoal Bay