Nieminski: Wasp Moth Arctiidae sp. Possibly Amata humeralis Feeding On Grevillea decurrens Sandstone Scrubland
Nieminski: Terminalia sericocarpa Combretaceae Open Woodland
Nieminski: Tawny Coster Acraea terpsicore Female Nymphalidae Vine Forest Adjacent Coastal Dunes
Nieminski: Tacca leontopetaloides TACCACEAE Adjacent Sandstone Freshwater Stream
Nieminski: Spangled Drongo Dicrurus bracteatus Dicruridae Vine Forest Adjacent Coastal Dunes
Nieminski: Shield Bug PENTATOMIDAE sp. Possibly Austromalaya sp. Eggs Vine Forest Adjacent Coastal Dunes
Nieminski: Shield Bug PENTATOMIDAE sp. Possibly Austromalaya sp. Adult & 2nd Instar Vine Forest Adjacent Coastal Dunes
Nieminski: Shield Bug PENTATOMIDAE sp. Possibly Austromalaya sp. Adult & 2nd Instar Vine Forest Adjacent Coastal Dunes 01
Nieminski: Shield Bug PENTATOMIDAE sp. Possibly Austromalaya sp. 1st Instar Vine Forest Adjacent Coastal Dunes
Nieminski: Sea Storm Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Red Swampdragon Agrionoptera insignis allogenes LIBELLULIDAE Adjacent Sandstone Freshwater Stream
Nieminski: Pomatostomus temporalis Pomatostomidae Grey-crowned Babbler Vine Forest Adjacent Coastal Dunes
Nieminski: Polygala coralliformis FABACEAE Sandstone Shrubland
Nieminski: Pea Uraria sp. Litchfield (C.R.Dunlop 5220) Fabaceae Sandstobne Scrubland
Nieminski: Orange Lacewing Cethosia penthesilea Nymphalidae Vine Forest Adjacent Coastal Dunes
Nieminski: Orange Lacewing Cethosia penthesilea Nymphalidae On Lantana camara Vine Forest Adjacent Coastal Dunes 01
Nieminski: Nephilidae sp. Possibly Nephila pilipes Female and Kleptoparasitic Spider Theridiidae sp. Feeding on Prey Possibly Wasp Campsomeris radula Adjacent
Nieminski: Native Bee Apidae sp. Possibly MELIPONINI Nesting In Base of Eucalyptus phoenicea Sandstone Schrubland
Nieminski: Murdannia graminea COMMELINACEAE Sandstobne Scrubland
Nieminski: Mistletoebird Dicaeum hirundinaceum Male Dicaeidae Open Woodland
Nieminski: Mertens’ Water Monitor Varanus mertensi Varanidae Adjacent Sandstone Freshwater Stream
Nieminski: Merremia sp. Kakadu Convolvulaceae Sandstone Scrubland
Nieminski: Merremia sp. Kakadu Convolvulaceae Sandstone Scrubland 01
Nieminski: Mantid Possibly AMORPHOSCELIDAE sp Open Woodland
Nieminski: Lycopodiella cernua (L.) Pic.Serm. Lycopodiaceae Tassel Fern Sandstone Shrubland
Nieminski: Long-fruited Bloodwood Corymbia polycarpa Myrtaceae Open Woodland
Nieminski: Leichhardt's Grasshopper Petasida ephippigera White Adult Sandstone Shrubland (June 23 2012 - March 09 2013)
Nieminski: Ipomoea velutina Convolvulaceae Open Woodland
Nieminski: Ipomoea pes-caprac spp. brasiliensis Convolvulaceae Adjacent Coastal Dune
Nieminski: Ipomoea nil Convolvulaceae Urban Darwin