Niels_Olson: Professional Bead Catchers
Niels_Olson: The veteran
Niels_Olson: Not disturbing
Niels_Olson: Disturbing
Niels_Olson: Sort a' like the wave...
Niels_Olson: Snaggletooth
Niels_Olson: The biggest ball of all
Niels_Olson: Now THAT's delivery!
Niels_Olson: Conehead Sisters?
Niels_Olson: Conehead Sisters Deux
Niels_Olson: Looking for attention?
Niels_Olson: The Devil & Her Dance Team
Niels_Olson: No way this girl was over 15
Niels_Olson: No way this girl was under 25
Niels_Olson: Disgusting
Niels_Olson: I thought the Guard left the area...
Niels_Olson: Thematic contrast
Niels_Olson: All Dressed up
Niels_Olson: Not Me...
Niels_Olson: Who Designed These Hats?!
Niels_Olson: I Love Party Girls
Niels_Olson: Tom Petty as King Midas
Niels_Olson: Should the girl in green get the beads?
Niels_Olson: DSC_0243
Niels_Olson: Waiting behind the parade — water