nic0704: Following the Allt a’ Chaorainn up the Glen
nic0704: Monadhliath Panorama - Heading up the hillside between Geal Charn and A’ Chailleach
nic0704: Looking over to the distant snow covered Cairngorms
nic0704: Small shelter on the hill side beneath Geal Charn
nic0704: Monadhliath Panorama - Small shelter beneath Geal Charn
nic0704: Looking up over frozen bog to A’ Chailleach
nic0704: Monadhliath Panorama - Looking out from the high slopes of A’ Chailleach
nic0704: Looking over the lower slopes of A’ Chailleach to the smaller peak of Creag Dhubh
nic0704: The Ben Alder hills in the distance from near the summit of A’ Chailleach
nic0704: Snow covered rounded tops of the Cairngorms in the distance
nic0704: Sun hitting the snow on the Creag Meagaidh hills from A’ Chailleach
nic0704: Summit cairn of A’ Chailleach with the Cairngorms in the distance
nic0704: Winter sun on the hills from the summit of A’ Chailleach
nic0704: Monadhliath Panorama - Summit of A’ Chailleach
nic0704: Looking west with the Creag Meagaidh hills on the right from the summit of A’ Chailleach
nic0704: Cloud rolling in on the distant hills
nic0704: Low winter sun light on the distant hills from A’ Chailleach
nic0704: Heading across from A’ Chailleach to Carn Sgulain
nic0704: Monadhliath Panorama - Looking back from the slopes of Carn Sgulain to the rolling hills of the Monadhliath
nic0704: Ridged peak of Carn Dearg in the distance from Carn Sgulain
nic0704: Summit cairn of the of Carn Sgulain with A’ Chailleach in the distance
nic0704: Monadhliath Panorama - Summit Cairn of Carn Sgulain
nic0704: Heading back down past the steep east cliffs of A’ Chailleach
nic0704: Monadhliath Panorama - Dropping down to the Allt a’ Chaorainn
nic0704: Steep sides of A’ Chailleach dropping to Allt a’ Chaorainn