nic0704: Looking along “The Neck”, the narrow section of land on Bruny Island
nic0704: Bruny Island Panorama - Looking along “The Neck” of Bruny Island and Adventure Bay on the right
nic0704: The Neck of Bruny Island with Adventure Bay on the left and Great Bay on the right
nic0704: Cruising along the coast of south Bruny Island
nic0704: Coast of South Bruny Island
nic0704: Black coal deposits under the white rocks of south Bruny Island
nic0704: The end tip of south Bruny Island with the Friars being the small islands
nic0704: Sedimentary rock layers of the coastline of South Bruny Island
nic0704: Large rock cliffs of South Bruny Island
nic0704: Small caves run along the coastline
nic0704: Small sea caves along the coastline
nic0704: Huge shear sea cliffs of South Bruny Island
nic0704: Precarious sea stacks on the coast line of South Bruny Island
nic0704: Bruny Island Panorama - Precarious sea stacks on the coast line of South Bruny Island
nic0704: Large solid cliffs tower above the sea
nic0704: Sea stack pillars on the southern tip coastline of Bruny Island
nic0704: Natural blow hole spraying out each time the sea swells
nic0704: Small bay on the south Bruny coastline
nic0704: Passing under a rock bridge
nic0704: Black-faced Cormorants and gulls on the rocks off Bruny Island
nic0704: Australian Fur Seals on the rocks around the southern tip of Bruny Island
nic0704: Steep cliffs on the southern tip of Bruny Island
nic0704: Australian Fur Seals on the rocks around the southern tip of Bruny Island
nic0704: Australian Fur Seals on the rocks around the southern tip of Bruny Island
nic0704: Australian Fur Seals on the rocks around the southern tip of Bruny Island
nic0704: Australian Fur Seals on the rocks around the southern tip of Bruny Island
nic0704: Huge cliffs of Bruny Island
nic0704: Australian Fur Seals on the rocks around the southern tip of Bruny Island
nic0704: The Friar Islands off the south tip of Bruny Island
nic0704: Australian Fur Seals on the rocks around the southern tip of Bruny Island