nic0704: Wild, windy seas off the wild west coast of Tasmania, an area called Tarkine
nic0704: Wild, windy seas off the wild west coast of Tasmania, an area called Tarkine
nic0704: Lots of drift wood in the wild, windy seas off the wild west coast of Tasmania, an area called Tarkine
nic0704: Wild, windy seas off the wild west coast of Tasmania, an area called Tarkine
nic0704: At the Edge of the World where the Arthur River flows into the wild, windy seas off the wild west coast of Tasmania, an area called Tarkine
nic0704: Edge of the World Panorama - Wild, windy seas off the wild west coast of Tasmania, an area called Tarkine
nic0704: Tons of drift wood washed up in the wild, windy seas of the wild west coast of Tasmania, an area called Tarkine
nic0704: Edge of the World Panorama - Looking out from the west coast of Tasmania with nothing but ocean until South America
nic0704: Small colourful bird in the Tarkine temperate rainforest
nic0704: Crossing the Arthur River at Tayatea Bridge on the Tarkine Drive
nic0704: Crossing the Arthur River at Tayatea Bridge on the Tarkine Drive
nic0704: The temperate rainforest of the Tarkine Drive
nic0704: The curled furs in the temperate rainforest of the Tarkine Drive
nic0704: Temperate rainforest of the Tarkine Drive
nic0704: Temperate rainforest of the Tarkine Drive
nic0704: Temperate rainforest of the Tarkine Drive
nic0704: Temperate rainforest of the Tarkine Drive
nic0704: Cross section of a fallen tree in the Tarkine Drive forest
nic0704: Temperate rainforest of the Tarkine Drive
nic0704: Temperate rainforest of the Tarkine Drive
nic0704: Temperate rainforest of the Tarkine Drive
nic0704: Temperate rainforest of the Tarkine Drive
nic0704: Temperate rainforest of the Tarkine Drive
nic0704: Temperate rainforest of the Tarkine Drive
nic0704: Temperate rainforest of the Tarkine Drive
nic0704: Temperate rainforest of the Tarkine Drive
nic0704: Temperate rainforest of the Tarkine Drive
nic0704: View over the Arthur River from Sumac lookout
nic0704: Arthur River from the Sumac lookout
nic0704: Echidna in the temperate rainforest of the Tarkine Drive