nic0704: Creag Meagaidh Panorama - On the path down Glen Ardair back towards Loch Laggan
nic0704: Allt Coire Ardair flowing down the glacial carved Glen
nic0704: Coire Ardair with the steep cliffs at the head
nic0704: Coire Ardair with the steep cliffs at the head
nic0704: Allt Coire Ardair flowing down from the Lochan
nic0704: Following Allt Coire Ardair down the Glen to Loch Laggan
nic0704: Creag Meagaidh Panorama - Cliffs of Coire Ardair with the pass of Uinneag Coire Ardair on the right
nic0704: Cliffs of Coire Ardair
nic0704: Creag Meagaidh Panorama - Lochan a’ Choire and the cliffs of Coire Ardair
nic0704: The cliffs of Coire Ardair
nic0704: Creag Meagaidh Panorama - The impressive cliffs of Coire Ardair tower over Lochan a’ Choire
nic0704: Dropping down towards Lochan a’ Choire
nic0704: Looking back towards the northern side of Creag Meagaidh
nic0704: The pass of Uinneag Coire Ardair
nic0704: Creag Meagaidh Panorama - On the way back to Uinneag Coire Ardair
nic0704: Summit plateau of Creag Meagaidh
nic0704: Creag Meagaidh Panorama - Summit of Creag Meagaidh
nic0704: Creag Meagaidh Panorama - Heading towards the first cairn of Creag Meagaidh with Lochan Uaine below
nic0704: The approach from Stob Poite Coire Ardair onto Creag Meagaidh
nic0704: Creag Meagaidh Panorama - Mighty cliffs of Coire Ardair with Lochan a’ Choire below
nic0704: On the summit of Stob Poite Coire Ardair looking over to Creag Meagaidh
nic0704: Following the track to Stob Poite Coire Ardair with the summit of Creag Meagaidh on the left
nic0704: Creag Meagaidh Panorama - Looking down the Glen of Allt Coire Ardair towards Carn Liath and Loch Laggan beyond
nic0704: Creag Meagaidh Panorama - Following the ridge from Carn Liath to Stob Poite Coire Ardair
nic0704: Creag Meagaidh Panorama - Dropping off the back of Carn Liath across the plateau towards Creag Meagaidh
nic0704: Coire Ardair with the cliffs of Creag Meagaidh in the clouds
nic0704: Creag Meagaidh Panorama - Rocky summit of Carn Liath
nic0704: Summit cairn of Carn Liath looking over towards Creag Meagaidh in the cloud
nic0704: High on Carn Liath with Loch Laggan below
nic0704: Coire Ardair from the slopes of Carn Liath