nic0704: The Secret Howff
nic0704: Howff Panorama - The Secret Howff
nic0704: Beinn a Bhuird Panorama - Looking over the heathers to the bulk of Beinn a’ Bhuird
nic0704: The south top of Beinn a’ Bhuird and the rocky peak of A’ Chioch above Coire na Ciche
nic0704: Ascending the south shoulder of the South Top of Beinn a’ Bhuird
nic0704: Looking over to the tor covered tops of Ben Avon from Beinn a’ Bhuird
nic0704: Beinn a Bhuird Panorama - Looking down the southern slopes of the South Top of Beinn a’ Bhuird towards Gleann an t-Slugain
nic0704: Beinn a Bhuird Panorama - Looking down into the Coire na Ciche and the Slugain Buttress from the South Top of Beinn a’ Bhuird. Ben Avon in the distance
nic0704: Beinn a Bhuird Panorama - Looking into Coire an Dubh-Lochan and Bloodhound Buttress from the South Top of Beinn a’ Bhuird with Ben Avon in the distance
nic0704: Beinn a Bhuird Panorama - Coire an Dubh-Lochain
nic0704: Beinn a Bhuird Panorama - The steep cliffs of Coire an Dubh-Lochain dropping into Dubh Lochan
nic0704: Beinn a Bhuird Panorama - Summit cairn of the North Top of Beinn a’ Bhuird
nic0704: Looking over the Beinn a’ Bhuird plateau to the further peaks of the Cairngorms
nic0704: The main Cairngorm hills from Beinn a’ Bhuird
nic0704: The rocky tor’s of Ben Avon from the north top of Beinn a’ Bhuird
nic0704: Dropping off Beinn a’ Bhuird to cross The Sneck with Ben Avon beyond
nic0704: Beinn a Bhuird Panorama - Heading across The Sneck saddle between Beinn a’ Bhuird and Ben Avon beyond
nic0704: The rocky tor summit of Leabaidh an Daimler Bhuidhe, the high point of Ben Avon
nic0704: Rocky tor summit of Leabaidh an Daimler Bhuidhe, the high point of Ben Avon
nic0704: Ben Avon Panorama - Looking out from the summit of Leabaidh an Daimler Bhuidhe, high point of Ben Avon
nic0704: Ben Avon Panorama - From the summit tor of Leabaidh an Daimler Bhuidhe, Ben Avon’s highest point
nic0704: Ben Avon Panorama - Looking over to further tor’s of Ben Avon
nic0704: Snow Bunting on the summit of Ben Avon
nic0704: Dropping back down The Sneck with Cnap a’ Chleirich beyond
nic0704: Ben Avon Panorama - Dropping down The Sneck with the peak of Cnap a’ Chleirich ahead and Garbh Choire on the right
nic0704: Ben Avon Panorama - Dropping down Glas Allt Mor from The Sneck with the rocky peaks of A’ Chioch and the tops of Beinn a’ Bhuird beyond
nic0704: Ben Avon Panorama - Looking back to Coire na Ciche and the bulk of Beinn a’ Bhuird
nic0704: Ben Avon Panorama - Looking back to the bulk of Beinn a’ Bhuird from Gleann an t-Slugain
nic0704: Inside the secret Howff
nic0704: Plaque inside the secret Howff