nic0704: Ben Alder lodge
nic0704: Ben Alder Panorama - Ben Alder lodge looking over Loch Ericht
nic0704: Deer in the snow around Ben Alder Forest
nic0704: Pony’s in the snow around Ben Alder lodge
nic0704: Pony’s and Deer in the snow around Ben Alder forest
nic0704: Herds of deer searching for food in the snow in the Ben Alder forest
nic0704: Ben Alder Panorama - Deep snow cover over Ben Alder forest
nic0704: Culra Bothy in the distance
nic0704: Deep snow making it hard work following Allt a’ Chaoil-reidhe
nic0704: Ben Alder Panorama - Route finding across Ben Alder forest towards Culra Bothy
nic0704: Ben Alder Panorama - Following the Allt a’ Chaoil-reidhe towards Culra Bothy and Ben Alder
nic0704: Herds of deer with sun setting colours over Ben Alder forest
nic0704: Culra Bothy with Bealach Dubh beyond and Ben Alder on the left and Sgor Lutharn on the right
nic0704: Culra Bothy with Ben Alder behind
nic0704: Culra Bothy and Ben Alder behind
nic0704: Camp spot outside Culra Bothy
nic0704: Night shot of camping with Ben Alder rising behind
nic0704: Night shot of camp spot with Ben Alder rising behind
nic0704: Night shot of the camp spot with Ben Alder rising behind
nic0704: Camp spot with Culra Bothy behind
nic0704: Night sky above Ben Alder
nic0704: Night sky over Ben Alder forest
nic0704: Winter night sky
nic0704: Winter night sky
nic0704: Early morning approach to Ben Alder in deep snow
nic0704: Ben Alder Panorama - Ben Alder on the left and Geal-Charn on the right with deep snow all around
nic0704: Heading to Ben Alder in the deep snow
nic0704: Early morning light breaking trail towards Ben Alder
nic0704: Breaking trail towards Ben Alder
nic0704: Ben Alder Panorama - Early morning sun over Ben Alder Forest