nic0704: Ben Cruachan Panorama - Looking back to Loch Awe
nic0704: Cloud shrouding the tops above Cruachan reservoir and dam
nic0704: Ben Cruachan Panorama - Infront of the dam at Cruachan Reservoir
nic0704: Cruachan Reservoir Dam
nic0704: Ben Cruachan Panorama - Looking back from Cruachan Dam to Loch Awe
nic0704: Ben Cruachan Panorama - Cruachan Reservoir from the dam
nic0704: On Cruachan Dam
nic0704: Following the track beside Cruachan Reservoir with the ridges appearing through the cloud
nic0704: Stream flowing into Cruachan Reservoir
nic0704: Heading up steep ground to Coire Dearg below Ben Cruachan
nic0704: Looking back to Cruachan Reservoir and Loch Awe beyond
nic0704: Ben Cruachan Panorama - Cruachan Reservoir and Beinn a Bhuiridh rising to the cloud behind
nic0704: Stream flowing down Coire Dearg
nic0704: Looking back down Coire Dearg
nic0704: Small Lohan at the col at the top of Coire Dearg
nic0704: Ben Cruachan Panorama - Heading up the southern slope of Ben Cruachan with Meall Cuanail rising on the other side
nic0704: Heading up the final section of Ben Cruachan into the cloud
nic0704: Looking back down Coire Dearg with Cruachan Reservoir on the right
nic0704: Meall Cuanail from the slops of Cruachan
nic0704: Ben Cruachan Panorama - Looking out from the upper slopes of Ben Cruachan with Meall Cuanail directly in front and Loch Awe beyond
nic0704: Sun light hitting Loch Awe
nic0704: Ben Cruachan Panorama - Approaching the cloud base with the ridge connecting Cruachan to Stob Daimh on the left
nic0704: The ridge leading to Stob Daimh
nic0704: Cloud rolling in over the ridge with Cruachan Reservoir below
nic0704: Ben Cruachan Panorama - Clearing in the cloud near the summit of Ben Cruachan
nic0704: Summit of Ben Cruachan with blue sky just appearing above
nic0704: Looking across to Ben Cruachan's neighbouring summit of Stob Dearg
nic0704: Looking down to Cruachan Reservoir and Loch Awe below
nic0704: Ben Cruachan Panorama - Dropping off the summit of Ben Cruachan and heading for the ridge
nic0704: Looking along Ben Cruachan's east ridge through the cloud