nic0704: Summit pic Toubkal
nic0704: On The Summit!
nic0704: Artic or Summit?
nic0704: View from the top
nic0704: Kackar Dag Summit
nic0704: Mt Ararat Summit
nic0704: Carrauntoohill Summit Cross
nic0704: On the summit of Imbabura at 4,630 m (15,190 ft)
nic0704: On the summit of Cayambe
nic0704: On the summit of Cotopaxi
nic0704: At high camp
nic0704: Summit pyramid
nic0704: On the summit of Kinabalu - 4095.2 meters (13,435ft)
nic0704: On the summit of Pichincha at 4696 meters
nic0704: On the summit of Illiniza North (Norte) - 16,818 ft / 5126 meters
nic0704: On the summit of Cotopaxi - 19,347 ft / 5897 meters
nic0704: On the Whymper summit of Chimborazo at sunrise - 6,268.2 meters / 20,565 feet Highest point in Ecuador and the point on the earth furthest from its center
nic0704: Me on the ridge of Punta Union pass
nic0704: Just above the summit of Pisco at 18,897 ft / 5760 m
nic0704: Totally alone at Winaywayna
nic0704: At Machu Picchu
nic0704: On the summit of Chachani at 6057m (19,872ft)
nic0704: Jumping around in the desert
nic0704: Heading down the death road
nic0704: Looking cold on the way to the summit
nic0704: On the summit of Huayna Potosi at sun rise - 6,088 m (19,974 ft)
nic0704: Taking a siesta next to the Dino prints
nic0704: On Incahuasi Island
nic0704: At Laguna Blanca
nic0704: Under the rock "tree" formation in the Atacama desert