nic0704: Heading up towards Coire Lochan and the start of the Fiacaill Ridge on the left
nic0704: Admiring the view to the head walls of Coire an t-Sneachda
nic0704: Approaching the foot of the Fiacaill Ridge
nic0704: Fiacaill Panorama - Approaching the start of the Fiacaill Ridge with Coire an t-Sneachda to the left and Coire Lochan to the right
nic0704: Getting onto the first snow
nic0704: Male Ptarmigan with distinctive red above the eyes
nic0704: Looking back down towards Loch Morlich
nic0704: The peak of Braeriach in the far distance
nic0704: Climbers in Coire an t-Sneachda with fresh avalanche debris on the right
nic0704: Fiacaill Panorama - Looking over to Coire an t-Sneachda and Cairn Gorm on the far left
nic0704: Broad start of Fiacaill Ridge
nic0704: Fiacaill Panorama - Coire an t-Sneachda and Cairn Gorm on the left
nic0704: Main part of the Fiacaill ridge ahead
nic0704: Mixed snow and rock on the Fiacaill Ridge
nic0704: Large cornices at the top Coire Lochan with the main ridge in front
nic0704: Fiacaill Panorama - Getting onto the main ridge with Coire an t-Sneachda and Cairn Gorm on the left and Coire Lochan on the right
nic0704: Heading towards a steep section of the Fiacaill ridge
nic0704: On the main part of the ridge
nic0704: Crossing rocky ground
nic0704: Large cornices above Coire an t-Sneachda
nic0704: Fiacaill Panorama - On the main ridge with Carn Gorm in the distance
nic0704: Head walls of Coire an t-Sneachda
nic0704: On the main ridge
nic0704: Steep section on the edge of the ridge
nic0704: Fiacaill Panorama - Looking out towards Coire Lochan
nic0704: Skiers on the edge of one of the cornices of Coire an t-Sneachda
nic0704: Looking back along the ridge
nic0704: Skier heading down a gully in Coire an t-Sneachda
nic0704: Skier on steep ground in Coire an t-Sneachda
nic0704: Looking back along the main ridge