nic0704: The old Book Depository were the alleged gunman was based
nic0704: Memorial to the assassination outside the Texas School Book Depository
nic0704: Looking down the street at Dealey Plaza
nic0704: Dealey Plaza notice board
nic0704: Looking down the road in Dealey Plaza
nic0704: Dealey Plaza
nic0704: The memorial to JFK
nic0704: The memorial to JFK at Dealey Plaza
nic0704: Looking back from the cross on the road to the old Book Depository and the sixth floor window where the shots where allegedly fired
nic0704: The Zapruder plinth
nic0704: The Zapruder plinth where Abraham Zapruder shot his infamous footage of the assassination of JFK
nic0704: Dealey Plaza panorama from the Zapruder plinth
nic0704: Looking back up the road to Elm street and the old Book Depository building
nic0704: The cross makes the fatal head shot that hit JFK
nic0704: In front of the memorial to JFK
nic0704: Looking down from the seventh floor window of the old Book Depository to the assassination spot
nic0704: Outside the old Book Depository building looking towards the sky scrapers of Dallas