nic0704: Group photo at the start of the Salkantay trek
nic0704: First day of the trek
nic0704: Taking a breather on the trek
nic0704: On the trek
nic0704: Blue skies above
nic0704: Small settlements in the hills
nic0704: On the road
nic0704: Small flowers on the trail
nic0704: Looking out over the Peruvian hills
nic0704: Peak of Humantay at the head of the valley
nic0704: Glacier clad peak of Humantay
nic0704: Valley leading towards Humantay peak
nic0704: On the trail with Humantay peak in the distance
nic0704: Large buzzard or eagle
nic0704: Waterfalls flowing down the sides of the valley
nic0704: On the trail towards Salkantay
nic0704: Low cloud hangs over the campsite
nic0704: Flowers on the trail
nic0704: Heading into the mists
nic0704: Taking the easy route up on mules
nic0704: At Salkantay pass at 4630m
nic0704: Having a change of plan and crossing the valley in a basket due to a landslide that destroyed the path
nic0704: Having a change of plan and crossing the valley in a basket due to a landslide that destroyed the path
nic0704: Having a change of plan and crossing the valley in a basket due to a landslide that destroyed the path
nic0704: Having a change of plan and crossing the valley in a basket due to a landslide that destroyed the path
nic0704: Having a change of plan and crossing the valley in a basket due to a landslide that destroyed the path
nic0704: Hanna on the rails to Aguas Caliente
nic0704: Following the rails to Aguas Caliente
nic0704: Raging Urubamba river after huge amounts of rainfall
nic0704: View from the sun gate looking over Machu Picchu