nic0704: Large caterpillar chrysalis with a snake-head type defence mechanism
nic0704: Heading through the jungle
nic0704: Negotiating fallen trees across the path
nic0704: Negotiating fallen trees across the path
nic0704: Ducking beneath tree fall
nic0704: Long hair of the Shuar
nic0704: Getting our feet wet
nic0704: Tree fall across the path
nic0704: Getting close to the river
nic0704: Small stream flowing through the jungle
nic0704: Stream flowing through the jungle
nic0704: Enjoying some jungle lunch on Banana leaf plates
nic0704: Setting up mosquito nets inside our hut for the night
nic0704: Lunch spot
nic0704: Burning termite nest produces smoke that keeps mosquito's away
nic0704: Young Shuar child
nic0704: Old school house in the jungle acts as our base for the night
nic0704: Naichap, member of the Shuar community
nic0704: Looking out over a ox-bow lake in the Amazon jungle
nic0704: Cooling off in the river
nic0704: Following the river through the jungle
nic0704: Following the river through the jungle
nic0704: Cooling off in the river
nic0704: Colourful caterpillar
nic0704: Trekking back along the river
nic0704: Following the river back to camp
nic0704: Cooking dinner
nic0704: Cooking some grubs
nic0704: Sunlight hitting the top of a tree
nic0704: Rainbow above the jungle