nic0704: Road bridge over the Grijalva River as we approach the canyon
nic0704: Following the Grijalva River towards the canyon
nic0704: Cloud over the high slopes of the canyon
nic0704: Towering walls of the Sumidero Canyon
nic0704: Forested banks of the Grijalva River
nic0704: Forested banks of the Grijalva River
nic0704: Tree containing spider monkeys
nic0704: Towering cliffs of Sumidero canyon
nic0704: Following the Grijalva River into the canyon
nic0704: The Grijalva River flowing through the canyon
nic0704: Large river crocodiles warming up on the banks of the Grijalva River
nic0704: Large river Crocodiles on the banks of the Grijalva River
nic0704: Sumidero Panorama - Huge cliffs either side of the Grijalva River
nic0704: Forested cliffs of the canyon
nic0704: Looking up at the cliffs above the Grijalva River
nic0704: Looking up at the cliffs of the canyon above the Grijalva River
nic0704: Seahorse stalactite in a cave on one of the canyon walls
nic0704: Forest clad walls of the canyon
nic0704: Spider monkey in the tree
nic0704: Spider monkey in the tree above the Grijalva river
nic0704: Spider monkey in the trees
nic0704: Spider monkey hanging around on a tree above the Grijalva river
nic0704: Huge cliffs
nic0704: Huge canyon walls
nic0704: Seahorse stalactite in a cave on one of the canyon walls
nic0704: Vertical rock walls on either side of the Grijalva river
nic0704: Towering cliffs touching the clouds
nic0704: Sumidero Panorama - With the huge cliffs either side of the Grijalva river
nic0704: Huge cliffs of the Sumidero Canyon tower above the Grijalva river
nic0704: Huge cliffs of the Sumidero Canyon tower above the Grijalva river