nic0704: With temple 1 behind
nic0704: The back side of Temple 1
nic0704: The Central Acropolis
nic0704: Temple 1 also known as The Big Jaguar, built in 700AD stands at 47m high
nic0704: Temple 2 also known as The Mascarones Temple stands at 37m high
nic0704: The North Acropolis with many engraved steles
nic0704: Temple 1 The Big Jaguar
nic0704: Tikal Panorama - Temple 1 and the North Acropolis in the Gran Plaza
nic0704: Tikal Panorama - Temple 1 on the right, North Acropolis in the centre and Temple 2 on the left make up the Gran Plaza
nic0704: Stone alter in front of the North Acropolis in the Gran Plaza
nic0704: Temple 1 The Big Jaguar
nic0704: Temple 2 The Mascarones Temple
nic0704: Engraved Stele show the history of Tikal
nic0704: Temple 1 from the North Acropolis
nic0704: Tikal Panorama - From the North Acropolis, Temple 1 on the left, Central Acropolis and Temple 2 on the right. Set around the Gran Plaza
nic0704: Carved face into the rock in the North Acropolis
nic0704: Temple 1 The Big Jaguar with the Central Acropolis behind
nic0704: Looking out over the Gran Plaza from Temple 2 with Temple 1 on the right and the North Acropolis on the left
nic0704: Tikal Panorama - From Temple 2 looking over the Gran Plaza. North Acropolis on the left, Temple 1 in the centre and the Central Acropolis just visible on the right
nic0704: Temple 1 The Big Jaguar from Temple 2
nic0704: Temple 4 peeking over the forest canopy
nic0704: Temple 5, seen from Temple 2, in the distance just above the canopy
nic0704: Moss covered stone of Temple 2
nic0704: Carved shrine
nic0704: Parts of a temple near temple 3 covered in vegetation
nic0704: Temple 3 covered in scaffolding as it is being worked on
nic0704: Temple 4 towers above the jungle
nic0704: Temple 4, the highest temple at Tikal at 64m, also called The Two-Headed Snake Temple
nic0704: Carved Stele around Temple 4
nic0704: Carved Stele depicting Mayan figures