nic0704: View of Acatenango from the road on our way to the start
nic0704: One of the many Guatemalan volcanic peaks
nic0704: Heading through corn fields on volcanic sand towards Acatenango
nic0704: Heading up through corn fields
nic0704: Looking out over the corn fields
nic0704: Deep channels show scars from old volcanic activity on Acatenango but now lead the way up
nic0704: Volcanic peaks in the distance from the lower slopes of Acatenango
nic0704: Volcanic peaks in the distance
nic0704: On the lower slopes of Acatenango
nic0704: Looking out from the lower slopes of Acatenango
nic0704: Acatenango Panorama - View from the lower slopes
nic0704: Taking a rest stop with Eric finding a seat in a tree
nic0704: Getting higher with volcanic peaks in the distance
nic0704: On the track through the forested slopes of Acatenango
nic0704: Clearing in the path
nic0704: Volcanic peaks in the distance
nic0704: Looking out over the Guatemalan highlands
nic0704: Looking out from Acatenango
nic0704: View from the lunch spot
nic0704: Acatenango Panorama - View looking out from our lunch spot
nic0704: Enjoying lunch with a view
nic0704: Lunch spot
nic0704: On the path traversing across the volcano
nic0704: Pine forest on Acatenango
nic0704: Making our way through the pine forest
nic0704: Cloud rolling in over the pine forest
nic0704: At our campsite looking across to the saddle between Acatenango and Fuego (in the cloud)
nic0704: Volcano Fuego hidden in the cloud
nic0704: Cloud bubbling up around our camp site
nic0704: Pine trees around camp