nic0704: Facade of the main church of the San Gabriel monastery
nic0704: Nave of the main church of San Gabriel
nic0704: Inside the tunnels of the Great Pyramid of Cholula
nic0704: Inside the tunnels of the Great Pyramid of Cholula
nic0704: Inside the tunnels of the Great Pyramid of Cholula
nic0704: Inside the tunnels of the Great Pyramid of Cholula
nic0704: The steps up to the Nuestra Señora de los Remedios church which was build upon the site of the Great Pyramid
nic0704: The facade of the Nuestra Señora de los Remedios church
nic0704: Looking out over the Puebla district from Nuestra Señora de los Remedios church
nic0704: Puebla district from Nuestra Señora de los Remedios church
nic0704: Can just make out the outline of a volcano on the horizon beyond Puebla district
nic0704: Puebla district
nic0704: Volcanic hills in the Puebla district
nic0704: Looking out from the Nuestra Señora de los Remedios church
nic0704: Looking down onto Cholula and the San Gabriel monastery
nic0704: Steps on the Great Pyramid of Cholula
nic0704: Part of the Great Pyramid of Cholula with the top of the Nuestra Señora de los Remedios church just visible above
nic0704: Model of the Great Pyramid of Cholula
nic0704: Mesoamerican artefacts found at the Great Pyramid
nic0704: Mesoamerican artefacts found at the Great Pyramid
nic0704: Mesoamerican artefacts found at the Great Pyramid
nic0704: Mesoamerican artefacts found at the Great Pyramid