nic0704: Enroute to Tortuga island
nic0704: Group shot at Tortuga island
nic0704: Taking the plunge!
nic0704: Scuba time!
nic0704: With starfish
nic0704: Underwater group shot!
nic0704: On the dive boat heading out to the dive locations
nic0704: On the dive boat heading out to the dive locations
nic0704: Limestone islands near the dive sites
nic0704: Looking out of the dive boat
nic0704: Diving off Ko Lantas coast
nic0704: Having a look at a Moray Eel peaking out from beneath the coral
nic0704: Schools of fish
nic0704: Coral formations
nic0704: Scuba Diving off the east coast of Ko Lanta
nic0704: Heading back to Ko Lanta island
nic0704: On the dive boat
nic0704: The Dive boat
nic0704: Calm looking waters as we wait for the boat to pick us up
nic0704: One of the many islands around the Komodo National Park
nic0704: Getting ready for to dive
nic0704: Islands of Komodo National Park
nic0704: Diving in
nic0704: Large fish
nic0704: Massive 3 meter Manta Rays near Manta point
nic0704: Massive Manta Ray around 3 meters wing span
nic0704: Large fish (Tuna?) amongst smaller striped fish
nic0704: Baron rock island on top, stunning coral reef underneath
nic0704: Diving around the islands of Komodo
nic0704: Stunning fish amongst the coral