nic0704: On our way to a remote waterfall along an interesting path
nic0704: Enjoying the view point on our way to the waterfall
nic0704: Waterfall Repel Panorama - Looking out from the path on our way to the waterfall
nic0704: First view of the waterfall
nic0704: Preparing to rig the repel lines
nic0704: Looking up to the waterfall
nic0704: Marcus moving down to the start point of the main repel
nic0704: In the queue with the rest of the waterfall above
nic0704: Testing the repel line
nic0704: Francis about to head over the edge
nic0704: Marcus and Francis doing one last check
nic0704: Andy near the top of the 100ft waterfall
nic0704: Andy repelling near the top of the waterfall
nic0704: Francis waiting at the bottom of the waterfall
nic0704: Andy making his way down
nic0704: Andy negotiating some slippery rocks
nic0704: Andy on repel
nic0704: Andy making his way down
nic0704: Andy arriving at the bottom
nic0704: Andy on his way down the 100ft waterfall
nic0704: Nearing the end
nic0704: Waterfall repel
nic0704: Nearly at the bottom of the 100ft waterfall
nic0704: Andy reaching the bottom with Francis waiting
nic0704: Andy and Francis
nic0704: Andy and Francis
nic0704: Andy and Francis
nic0704: Francis and Marcus doing double repel
nic0704: Francis and Marcus doing double repel
nic0704: Francis and Marcus doing double repel