nic0704: Early morning light over the Guatemalan volcanic chain from the summit of Volcano Santa Maria at 3,772 m (12,375 ft)
nic0704: The glowing magma in the crater of Santiaguito from the summit of Santa Maria
nic0704: Looking out from the summit of Santa Maria (3,772 m (12,375 ft) to the glowing crater of the side peak of Santiaguito and the neon glow of the towns below
nic0704: Looking across to the other volcanic peaks of Guatemala including Acetenango, Agua and Atitlan
nic0704: The volcanic peaks of Acatenango, Agua and Atitlan from the summit of Santa Maria
nic0704: Looking south from the summit of Santa Maria
nic0704: The very active crater of Santiaguito glowing in the early morning light
nic0704: Glowing magma and lava in the crater of Santiaguito, the most active volcano in Guatemala
nic0704: Sun rise over the volcanic peaks of Acatenango, Agua and Atitlan from the summit of Santa Maria 3,772 m (12,375 ft)
nic0704: The smoking, glowing peak of Santiaguito
nic0704: Santiaguito, the most active volcano in Guatemala, glowing with lava and magma from the summit of Santa Maria
nic0704: Sun beginning to rise over the Guatemalan highlands from the summit of Santa Maria
nic0704: Looking across the edge of the Guatemalan volcanic chain to Acatenango, Agua and Atitlan in the distance
nic0704: Santa Maria Panorama - With the sun beginning to rise over the Guatemalan highlands and volcanic chain
nic0704: Santa Maria Panorama - Looking out over the low lands towards the pacific coast, Santiaguito glowing in the bottom right corner
nic0704: Sun rise from the summit of Santa Maria
nic0704: Volcanic peaks of Acatenango, Agua and Atitlan with the sun rising behind
nic0704: Sun rise from the summit of Santa Maria (3,772 m (12,375 ft)
nic0704: Early morning sun light hitting the underneath of the clouds from the summit of Santa Maria volcano
nic0704: Santa Maria Panorama - Sun rise from the summit at 3,772 m (12,375 ft) with the peaks of Acatenango, Agua and Atitlan on the right
nic0704: Santa Maria panorama - Stunning colour in the sky as the sun rises
nic0704: Santa Maria panorama - Beautiful sun rise from the summit at 3,772 m (12,375 ft)
nic0704: Stunning colour from the sun rise on the summit of Santa Maria (3,772 m (12,375 ft)
nic0704: Summit sun rise on Santa Maria
nic0704: Summit sun rise on Santa Maria
nic0704: Looking down to the active cone of Santiaguito
nic0704: The smoking side cone of Santiaguito from the summit of Santa Maria
nic0704: Looking north to the peak of Tajumulco (on the right) the highest point in central America
nic0704: Volcanos of Acatenango, Agua and Atitlan
nic0704: Santa Maria panorama - Looking west towards the pacific coast with Santiaguito smoking below and Tajumulco the peak on the far right