nic0704: Golden Butterfly
nic0704: A Scorpion mother carrying its youngsters (Scorplings) on its back
nic0704: A Scorpion mother carrying its youngsters (Scorplings) on its back
nic0704: A Scorpion mother carrying its youngsters (Scorplings) on its back
nic0704: A Scorpion mother carrying its one youngster (Scorpling) on its back
nic0704: A Scorpion mother carrying its one youngster (Scorpling) on its back
nic0704: Beautiful golden butterfly
nic0704: Large spider on a tree
nic0704: The path up to the Offering Cave
nic0704: Entrance to the Offering Cave
nic0704: Entrance to the Offering Cave
nic0704: Limestone formations in the entrance to the Offering Cave
nic0704: Very colourful cricket/locust/bug
nic0704: At the entrance to the Offering Cave
nic0704: Limestone stalactites in the entrance to the Offering Cave
nic0704: Limestone formations at the entrance to the Offering Cave
nic0704: Under the limestone cliffs at the entrance to the Offering Cave
nic0704: Areas of the limestone rock cut away by the Mayans at the Offering Cave
nic0704: Limestone formations at the entrance to the Offering Cave
nic0704: Offering Cave Panorama - Limestone formations at the entrance to the cave
nic0704: Strange patterns caused by dripping water on to the limestone
nic0704: Layers of limestone
nic0704: Looking out to the entrance of the Offering Cave and back to the jungle
nic0704: Very large cave spider on the wall
nic0704: Heading down deeper into the cave
nic0704: Ancient Mayan pottery throughout the cave
nic0704: Fragments of painted Mayan pottery on the cave floor
nic0704: Mayan pottery along with a stick wedged into the ground
nic0704: Painted fragment of a Mayan pot
nic0704: Mayan pottery litters the cave floor in one of the many side tunnels of Offering Cave