nic0704: Henry and Leo checking for contraband before starting survival
nic0704: Henry and Leo checking for contraband before starting survival
nic0704: Heading down river to learn about some of the different plants that grow here
nic0704: Antonio (on the left) taking us down river
nic0704: Dry waterfall
nic0704: Heading down river
nic0704: Looking back up at the limestone features that would usually be a waterfall
nic0704: Creating a rock oven - Burning down some embers to heat up rocks at the bottom of the oven
nic0704: Jungle made meat smoker
nic0704: Main camp during survival
nic0704: Preparing pork (freshly butchered from the nearby village) by wrapping it in banana leafs ready for the rock oven
nic0704: Placing the meat into the rock oven
nic0704: Covering the meat in the rock oven to seal in the heat
nic0704: Placing banana leaf on top to insulate the oven
nic0704: Covering the oven with dirt the seal in the heat and leave for 2-3hrs
nic0704: Barbecuing some of the pork on the open fire
nic0704: Slightly burning the pork on the barbecue
nic0704: Removing the meat from the rock oven
nic0704: Cooked meat in the rock oven
nic0704: Leo carving the freshly cooked pork from the rock oven
nic0704: Pork strips inside the smoker - took around 24hrs to fully dry out
nic0704: Preparing the area for my shelter
nic0704: Creating the basic frame of the shelter
nic0704: Using palm leafs to create the roof over the shelter
nic0704: Using only natural materials to create the shelter - vines and roots to tie the supports together
nic0704: Almost completing the palm leaf roof
nic0704: Inside my shelter - home for 3 days and 2 nights
nic0704: Bed inside my shelter made from palm stems
nic0704: Inside my shelter
nic0704: Home for 3 days and 2 nights