nic0704: Some Mayan artefacts found at the ruins of Lubaantun
nic0704: Small carved Mayan figurines, some of which contain whistles
nic0704: Mayan pottery from Lubaantun
nic0704: Many ruins of Lubaantun, which is a modern Mayan word for "the place of fallen stones"
nic0704: The main plaza area of Lubaantun
nic0704: Crumbling stone pyramid at Lubaantun
nic0704: Lubaantun Panorama - Where the forest has grown over the ruins
nic0704: One of the main structures at Lubaantun
nic0704: Lubaantun Panorama - Surrounded by stone piles
nic0704: Stone structures of Lubaantun
nic0704: Rob taking it easy
nic0704: Sides of one stone Pyramid at Lubaantun
nic0704: Piles of Stone
nic0704: Crumbling structures
nic0704: Stone structures either side
nic0704: Everywhere there were stone piles, remnants of the ancient Mayan city
nic0704: Stepped side of a pyramid
nic0704: Amongst the structures
nic0704: Piles of stone either side
nic0704: Remnants of one of the large buildings
nic0704: Lubaantun ruins amongst the jungle
nic0704: Amongst the piles of stone
nic0704: Looking up to one of the large pyramids
nic0704: Stone structures
nic0704: Lubaantun Panorama - From the main plaza, excavation work is still being carried out
nic0704: Palappa building near San Miguel village