nic0704: Farm land near the village of San Antonio, on our way to the jungle for the first time
nic0704: Farm land near the village of San Antonio
nic0704: Path through farm land heading towards the jungle and Elijio Panti national park
nic0704: Ranger station camp - the entrance to Elijio Panti national park and the jungle
nic0704: Ranger Station camp - plenty of trees for the hammocks
nic0704: Ranger Station camp
nic0704: Hammock set up for the first time - bed for the next 3 months
nic0704: Hammock set up for the first time - bed for the next 3 months
nic0704: Machete sharpening session
nic0704: At a high point near Ranger Station
nic0704: Rather dodgy looking lookout tower
nic0704: Path back down from the lookout towards Ranger Station
nic0704: Making our way back to Ranger Station
nic0704: Large lizard on a tree near Ranger Station
nic0704: Large lizard on a tree near Ranger Station
nic0704: Stunning waterfall at, appropriately named, waterfall camp
nic0704: Waterfall Panorama - Not a bad wash spot at the waterfall
nic0704: At the top of the waterfall looking up stream
nic0704: At the top of the waterfall
nic0704: Negotiating the river to get to the top of the waterfall
nic0704: Admiring the view from the top of the waterfall
nic0704: Henry and Leo at the top of the waterfall looking out over the Elijio Panti National Park
nic0704: Waterfall Panorama - Henry and Leo at the top of the waterfall looking out over the Elijio Panti National Park
nic0704: Henry and Leo at the top of the waterfall looking out over the Elijio Panti National Park
nic0704: On a rock admiring the view
nic0704: Dr Andy
nic0704: The top of the waterfall
nic0704: Hanna admiring the view from the top of the waterfall
nic0704: Leo and Rob at the top of the waterfall
nic0704: Waterfall campsite