nic0704: Looking up to Sharp Edge and the snow patches on Blencathra's summit
nic0704: Blencathra with Sharp Edge on the right
nic0704: Looking along the knife edge ridge of Sharp Edge
nic0704: Sharp Edge leading to Blencathra
nic0704: Looking down through the cloud to Scales Tarn from Sharp Edge
nic0704: Looking back along Sharp Edge
nic0704: Looking back along Sharp Edge
nic0704: The scramble up to the summit
nic0704: Looking back down to Sharp Edge, Scales tarn to the right
nic0704: Looking back down to Sharp Edge
nic0704: On the summit plateau of Blencathra
nic0704: On the summit plateau of Blencathra
nic0704: Flat topped summit of Blencathra
nic0704: Break in the clouds reveals the view
nic0704: Break in the clouds reveals the view
nic0704: Northern Lakeland
nic0704: On the trail back down