nic0704: Stinger suit on and ready to dive
nic0704: Fish around the coral
nic0704: Fish around the coral
nic0704: Coral gardens
nic0704: Diving the Great Barrier Reef
nic0704: Passing large coral formations
nic0704: Hundreds of fish over the corals
nic0704: Teeming with fish
nic0704: Large striped fish
nic0704: Fish around the coral
nic0704: Large fish around the coral
nic0704: Stunning coral gardens of the reef
nic0704: Large spotted fish
nic0704: Harry amongst a sea anemone
nic0704: Clownfish living amongst the sea anemones
nic0704: Small blue fish amongst the coral
nic0704: Giant clam
nic0704: Striped fish amongst the coral
nic0704: Small fish live amongst the coral gardens
nic0704: Clownfish living amongst sea anemones
nic0704: Thousands of fish living around the Great Barrier Reef
nic0704: Amongst the coral gardens of the Great Barrier Reef
nic0704: Clownfish living around a sea anemone
nic0704: Getting back to the boat
nic0704: Snorkelers on the surface
nic0704: Small coral garden teeming with fish
nic0704: Scuba Diving the Great Barrier Reef
nic0704: Stunning coral gardens
nic0704: Cuttlefish swimming past at speed
nic0704: On the surface looking back to the boat