nic0704: Kerinci Panorama - Kerinci volcano surrounded by tea plantations
nic0704: Kerinci Panorama - Tea plants growing around the volcano
nic0704: Flowers at the foot of the volcano
nic0704: Gunung Kerinci Volcano rising above the tea fields
nic0704: Summit of Kerinci with cloud drifting in front
nic0704: A small hut amongst the tea plantation signals the start of the trek at 1600m, Kerinci shrouded in cloud
nic0704: Summit if Kerinci peaking above the clouds
nic0704: Transport to the start of the trek
nic0704: Path leading through tea and coffee fields
nic0704: Passing tea and coffee crops
nic0704: Entering the jungle on the lower slopes of Kerinci
nic0704: Fig tree roots dropping down from its host tree
nic0704: Large plants thrive in the wet climate around Kerinci
nic0704: Checking for animal tracks in the mud and about to negotiate a fallen tree
nic0704: Paw print of a large cat in the mud on the trail, potentially a Sumatran Tiger
nic0704: Over grown path in the forest
nic0704: Large plants on the trail towards the first camp
nic0704: Large hollowed out rotten tree on the path
nic0704: Vines on the trees
nic0704: The path gets muddier and more over grown the higher we go
nic0704: Tough terrain in the jungle on the lower slopes of Kerinci
nic0704: Mass of tangled vines near the trail
nic0704: Carnivorous pitcher plant (Nepenthes) near the trail
nic0704: Carnivorous pitcher plant (Nepenthes)
nic0704: Carnivorous pitcher plant (Nepenthes) that contains a sticky liquid that attracts insects which are trapped and digested
nic0704: Taking a breather with Pani the guide
nic0704: Making our way through the trail
nic0704: Gaining altitude on the muddy trail to the first camp
nic0704: Taking a breather
nic0704: Dense jungle on the lower slopes of Kerinci