nic0704: Memorial Stupa at Choeung Ek Killing Fields
nic0704: Traditional Buddhist carvings on the Stupa at Choeung Ek
nic0704: Remains of some of the buildings at Choeung Ek
nic0704: Traditional Buddhist Stupa at the memorial at Choeung Ek
nic0704: Sites at Choeung Ek
nic0704: The serrated edges on parts of the palm trees that grow at Choeung Ek. These were sometimes used at weapons by the Khmer Rouge as they were cheap, effective and easy to come by
nic0704: Site of a mass grave at Choeung Ek
nic0704: Bones and remains of clothing are still appearing around the site at Choeung Ek
nic0704: Lake near the Killing fields at Choeung Ek
nic0704: Mass grave with wrist bands left by visitors on the posts
nic0704: Victims clothes that are slowly returning to the surface from the unmarked graves beneath
nic0704: Victims jaw bones and teeth
nic0704: Victims clothes
nic0704: Tooth and jaw bone
nic0704: Teeth and jaw bone
nic0704: Choeung Ek Killing Fields
nic0704: Clothes slowly resurfacing from the graves
nic0704: Grave sites which were excavated after the Khmer Rouge left
nic0704: Site of a mass grave
nic0704: The site was a burial ground before the Khmer Rouge used it
nic0704: Killing tree
nic0704: Graves and the Stupa behind
nic0704: Bone pieces that are continually found around the site
nic0704: Bones and artefacts found around the site at Choeung Ek
nic0704: Victims clothes left between a tree
nic0704: Magic Tree
nic0704: Magic Tree
nic0704: Grave sites all around Choeung Ek
nic0704: Pictures showing the site after it was excavated
nic0704: Thousands of skulls inside the Stupa at Choeung Ek