nic0704: Inside the mines, getting out of the way of a trolley which weights about 2 tons being pushed by the miners
nic0704: Inside a shop in the miners market
nic0704: What all miners need - cheap alcohol!!
nic0704: Especially for the miners - 96% prof alcohol, tastes like petrol!!
nic0704: Presents for the miners - 96% alcohol and sticks of dynamite!!
nic0704: More gifts of Coca leafs for the miners
nic0704: Miners market
nic0704: Chemicals being added in the processing plant
nic0704: Inside the processing plant of the mines
nic0704: Machinery inside the processing plant of the mines
nic0704: Chemical mixing in the processing plant
nic0704: The output is pure silver
nic0704: Cerro Rico - the silver mountain behind the processing factories used to extract the silver and other metals
nic0704: Cerro Rico
nic0704: Heading into the mine
nic0704: Entrance to the mine
nic0704: Electric powered mine cart speeding by
nic0704: Looking into the mine
nic0704: Inside the mine
nic0704: The light of a on-coming cart
nic0704: Miners shovelling rocks into the barrels ready to be hoisted back to the surface
nic0704: Miners shovelling rocks
nic0704: Emptying a cart
nic0704: Miner
nic0704: Miners
nic0704: Operating a winch
nic0704: The dust illuminated in the flash
nic0704: Our guide, mouth stained green from years of chewing Coca leafs
nic0704: Young miner
nic0704: Group picture with the miners - the temperature was about 45 degrees inside the mines