nic0704: The town of Ollantaytambo
nic0704: Looking back down the Sacred Valley
nic0704: Local porter taking a break
nic0704: Start point of the Inca Trail
nic0704: Start point of the "Camino Inka"
nic0704: Looking along the sacred valley
nic0704: Heading to the start gate for the Inca Trail
nic0704: The porters getting the bags weighed - they are not allowed to carry more than 20kg
nic0704: Our guide, Carlos, pointing out the route
nic0704: The Urubamba river and the start gate for the Inca Trail
nic0704: Start gate for the trial
nic0704: Crossing the bridge to start the trek
nic0704: A type of fungus that grows on the cactus which...
nic0704: ...when burst produces a red dye. This was used by the Inca's to dye clothes and create face paints
nic0704: Looking back down the valley
nic0704: Huge stalk of the Aloe Vera plant
nic0704: The first Inca ruins on the trail called Q'anabamba
nic0704: On the trail
nic0704: Flowering Cactus plants
nic0704: Looking down the valley and the Urubamba river
nic0704: Following the path up
nic0704: Looking back down at the path
nic0704: The ruins of a Incan administrative centre, called Q'entimarka, set at a split in the valley. One route is the pilgrimage trail to Machu Picchu and the other is a short route to Machu Picchu. The Inca trail is the pilgrimage route.
nic0704: Incan site of Q'entimarka
nic0704: Incan site of Willkarakay built on a high platform
nic0704: The ruins of Willkarakay
nic0704: The Incan ruins of Willkarakay
nic0704: Entering the village of Tarayoq
nic0704: Looking down on the Urubamba
nic0704: Having a break