nic0704: Nazca Panorama - Desert around Nazca
nic0704: Archeological sites in the Nazca desert
nic0704: Nazca cemeteries in the desert
nic0704: Human remains scattered around the desert floor
nic0704: Skulls and a mummy in one of the cemeteries
nic0704: Nazca cemeteries in the desert
nic0704: Our guide, Jesus, with Nazca remains
nic0704: Nazca remains in a grave
nic0704: Nazca mummy, the hair is actually original, during the embalming process it is coated to stop it rotting
nic0704: Nazca cemetery
nic0704: Nazca cemetery
nic0704: Deep tomb at Nazca
nic0704: Skulls and original hair (in dreadlocks!)
nic0704: Nazca remains
nic0704: Nazca remains