nic0704: Village of Cashapampa, starting point of our Santa Cruz trek
nic0704: Loading up the donkey's and getting ready to go at the start of the Santa Cruz trek
nic0704: The start of the trail in Cashapampa
nic0704: Looking out over the highland villages
nic0704: Following the river up the valley
nic0704: Looking back down the valley
nic0704: On the path up the valley
nic0704: Pools in the river in the valley below
nic0704: Passing high rocky peaks
nic0704: Passing waterfalls coming from the glaciers high above
nic0704: Following the river up the valley towards our first camp
nic0704: Heading up the valley
nic0704: Jagged, glaciated peaks at the head of the valley
nic0704: Our first camp site
nic0704: Our first camp site
nic0704: Sun set turning the sky pink and blue over the mountains
nic0704: Sun setting at the end of the valley
nic0704: Early morning light coming through the valley walls
nic0704: Early morning at camp 1
nic0704: Following the river up the valley
nic0704: Waterfalls coming from the side of the valley
nic0704: Water falling from the sides of the valley
nic0704: Snowy peaks
nic0704: Heading up the valley
nic0704: Clear waters of Laguna Jatuncocha
nic0704: Sharp peak of Taulliraju
nic0704: Blue waters of Laguna Jatuncocha, Tuilliraju at the head of the valley
nic0704: Small red flower
nic0704: Walking beside Laguna Jatuncocha
nic0704: A type of tree that continuously shedding bark - its like tracing paper