nic0704: View up stream to the Glyders
nic0704: Silhouette of Tryfan
nic0704: Starting out on the Pyg track
nic0704: Pyg Track, Crib Goch in the cloud
nic0704: Winter conditions on the Pyg track
nic0704: Ice Pattern on Snowdon summit
nic0704: Self Portrait on Snowdon
nic0704: Coming down to the miners track
nic0704: Snowdon in the cloud
nic0704: Large Icicles on Snowdon
nic0704: Icicles on Snowdon
nic0704: Snowdon in Cloud, miners track on right
nic0704: Snowdon in cloud, Llyn Llydaw in foreground
nic0704: Crib goch, Llyn Llydaw in the foreground
nic0704: DSCF2384
nic0704: Snowdonia with a winter coat on...
nic0704: Snowdonia panorama