nicolernorman: #projectlife week 52, page 1 of 4. The remaining three pages are just pictures of our four Christmases. Now I just need a closing page and 2014 will be complete!
nicolernorman: #projectlife week 51 right side.
nicolernorman: #projectlife week 51 left side.
nicolernorman: #projectlife week 50 right side, otherwise known as the day we tortured our daughter and paid someone to take pictures of it.
nicolernorman: Did some #projectlife catch-up this week. This is week 50, left side.
nicolernorman: #projectlife Week 49, right side. Photos, with a side of more photos. That's how I roll.
nicolernorman: #projectlife Week 49, left side. That December card is the awesome free download from @catsaunders.
nicolernorman: This first birthday party may do me in. ;) #antiglitter #glitterphobe
nicolernorman: Happy Monday after Christmas break! MUCH needed chai this morning. #starbucks #redcup
nicolernorman: My Target score today. I've wanted one of these forever and today it was 50% off, so $31.
nicolernorman: This free chai, another venti chai for Monday, and hubby's coffee all free because of the long wait behind the woman at the drive-thru in front of us. Thank you @starbucks!!!
nicolernorman: What happens when you wait until December 27th to try to buy discounted Christmas wrapping paper.
nicolernorman: I'm always ready for it to all come down and be put away, but I'll miss seeing this at 5am.
nicolernorman: Merry Christmas to me!! 😃
nicolernorman: And it begins... 🎁🎁🎁🎁
nicolernorman: Sweet! Weekend sleep-in on a Wednesday! ;)
nicolernorman: New fridge art. 💙
nicolernorman: Santa doesn't look too shabby up there. 🎅
nicolernorman: He's finally painted. Now we'll see if I can't ruin him with some red glitter paint.
nicolernorman: This was much needed this morning. Note to self, no more 11:30 arts and crafts time. #starbucks #redcup
nicolernorman: It took all weekend, but I finally got back to this guy for a bit. Hopefully by Christmas, I'll have some more decor for our mantel.
nicolernorman: Spending a little more time with this guy tonight.
nicolernorman: Shots for E always = treats for Mama, obviously. It won't be long before she'll be able to have her own little treat.
nicolernorman: @jessbrees12 This selfie's for you! Not exactly 20 or 30 calories (ahem), but yummy! Happy Friday!! ☕️
nicolernorman: #projectlife catch up! SO going digital next year...or maybe sooner!
nicolernorman: Hen of the woods.
nicolernorman: Yeah, I have a real problem.
nicolernorman: On Daddy's grocery list today: little pumpkins Ellie can hold. I'd say he did well. :)
nicolernorman: @jessbrees12 It was a 5-bag day! Purple - diaper bag. Black - pump bag. Orange - purse/work bag. Camo - cooler bag for daycare milk. Yellow - camera bag for work.
nicolernorman: First medicine.