Nicole Lee:
Nicole Lee:
Macworld: calm before the storm
Nicole Lee:
Macworld keynote
Nicole Lee:
Steve jobs keynote
Nicole Lee:
14 million ipods sold last quarter
Nicole Lee:
Bowl games on itunes/ipod
Nicole Lee:
SNL on itunes!
Nicole Lee:
Ipod remote and fm tuner!!
Nicole Lee:
Aperture video demo
Nicole Lee:
New google widget
Nicole Lee:
Nicole Lee:
Garageband now has a podcast studio
Nicole Lee:
Adam from mythbusters!!!
Nicole Lee:
Nicole Lee:
Nicole Lee:
Intel ceo!
Nicole Lee:
Jobs and Otellini
Nicole Lee:
First mac with intel
Nicole Lee:
Nicole Lee:
New laptop!!
Nicole Lee:
Adam Savage
Nicole Lee:
Crowded macworld
Nicole Lee:
Frank chu and courtney
Nicole Lee:
New laptops
Nicole Lee:
Apple booth
Nicole Lee:
New Intel MacBooks
Nicole Lee:
MacBook Pro
Nicole Lee:
Jason looks at Front Row
Nicole Lee:
iPod FM Tuner with Remote
Nicole Lee:
Etymotic phone booth