Nicole_Fonsh: Long Sands Beach, York ME
Nicole_Fonsh: Trolley
Nicole_Fonsh: Sunset
Nicole_Fonsh: Da Moon!
Nicole_Fonsh: Wind and rain...boooo
Nicole_Fonsh: But huge waves
Nicole_Fonsh: IMG_2304
Nicole_Fonsh: Picture wars
Nicole_Fonsh: IMG_2308
Nicole_Fonsh: Trip to Portland- obviously had to check out the library
Nicole_Fonsh: Renovation finished earlier in 2010
Nicole_Fonsh: IMG_2313
Nicole_Fonsh: Great market
Nicole_Fonsh: Yum cheese
Nicole_Fonsh: Yum beer
Nicole_Fonsh: Peanut Butter Jelly Time!!
Nicole_Fonsh: Done by local artists- more later
Nicole_Fonsh: I think my dad's beer looks like him
Nicole_Fonsh: Bacon dusted fries. Yup.
Nicole_Fonsh: Portland Museum of Art
Nicole_Fonsh: IMG_2324
Nicole_Fonsh: IMG_2325
Nicole_Fonsh: Portland by the sea
Nicole_Fonsh: Guinness pelican!
Nicole_Fonsh: IMG_2329
Nicole_Fonsh: More graffiti- done by local artists