nicolecwong: dinner at Ham Ji Park, LA Koreatown
nicolecwong: IMG_4400
nicolecwong: IMG_4401
nicolecwong: IMG_4402
nicolecwong: pork neck stew with potato
nicolecwong: IMG_4406
nicolecwong: dinner at Ham Ji Park
nicolecwong: dinner at Ham Ji Park
nicolecwong: dessert at syrup
nicolecwong: syrup's dessert menu
nicolecwong: syrup's dessert menu
nicolecwong: rita types everyone's phone number into
nicolecwong: IMG_4415
nicolecwong: i taught rita & friends an easy way to remember phone numbers
nicolecwong: IMG_4416
nicolecwong: syrup's caffine-free tea menu
nicolecwong: syrup's dessert
nicolecwong: syrup's dessert
nicolecwong: syrup's dessert