nicolecwong: Highway Community's Good Friday service: an interactive, experiential twist on the Stations of the Cross
nicolecwong: First four stations are in the courtyard
nicolecwong: Stations of the Cross #1: Jesus celebrates Passover with his disciples
nicolecwong: Stations of the Cross #1: Jesus celebrates Passover with his disciples
nicolecwong: Station of the Cross #2: Jesus prays in the Garden of Gethsemane
nicolecwong: Station of the Cross #3: Jesus is flogged by the Roman guard
nicolecwong: Station of the Cross #3: Jesus is flogged by the Roman guard
nicolecwong: Station of the Cross #4: Jesus bears his cross
nicolecwong: Stations of the Cross #5: Simon of Cyrene helps Jesus to carry the cross
nicolecwong: modern take on Stations of the Cross #5: who has helped carry your cross?
nicolecwong: Stations of the Cross #5: Simon of Cyrene helps Jesus to carry the cross
nicolecwong: Live worship during the Stations of the Cross experience
nicolecwong: Stations of the Cross #6: Jesus is stripped of his garmets and given gall to drink
nicolecwong: Stations of the Cross #7: Jesus is nailed to the cross
nicolecwong: Stations of the Cross #7: Jesus is nailed to the cross
nicolecwong: Stations of the Cross #7
nicolecwong: Stations of the Cross #8: Jesus dies
nicolecwong: Stations of the Cross #8: Jesus dies
nicolecwong: Stations of the Cross #8: Jesus dies
nicolecwong: Stations of the Cross #9: Jesus is laid in the tomb
nicolecwong: Stations of the Cross #9: Jesus is laid in the tomb
nicolecwong: Stations of the Cross #9: Jesus is laid in the tomb
nicolecwong: Stations of the Cross #9: Jesus is laid in the tomb
nicolecwong: Stations of the Cross #10: The curtain of the temple tears into two
nicolecwong: At the exit: Good Friday guestbooks for Jesus