NicoleBPhotography: Woodchat Shrike, Rotkopfwürger, Lanius senator
NicoleBPhotography: Grey Plover, Kiebitzregenpfeifer, Pluvialis squatarola
NicoleBPhotography: I see Flamingos
NicoleBPhotography: White-throated Robin, 1st winter
NicoleBPhotography: White-throated Robin
NicoleBPhotography: Common Chiffchaff, Zilpzalp, Phylloscopus collybitus
NicoleBPhotography: Blue Rock Thrush
NicoleBPhotography: 1st winter stonechat
NicoleBPhotography: European Green Lizard
NicoleBPhotography: Momma deer with young one
NicoleBPhotography: Stupid briddle branches
NicoleBPhotography: Juv GREATER SAND PLOVER
NicoleBPhotography: Morning break
NicoleBPhotography: Hello Beauty :)
NicoleBPhotography: Caspian Gull, Steppenmöwe, Larus cachinnans cachinnans
NicoleBPhotography: Lesser Crested Tern, Rüppellseeschwalbe, Sterna bengalensis
NicoleBPhotography: Heuglin’s Gull, Tundramöwe, Larus heuglini
NicoleBPhotography: Pallas's Gull
NicoleBPhotography: Request for landing!
NicoleBPhotography: Yellow Wagtail, Schafstelze, Motacilla flava feldegg
NicoleBPhotography: There’s my Breakfast!
NicoleBPhotography: Graceful Prinia, Streifenprinie, Prinia gracilis
NicoleBPhotography: Common Snipe, Bekassine, Gallinago gallinago
NicoleBPhotography: Maybe 'Green vegetable bug' (Nezara viridula)
NicoleBPhotography: Any idea what kind of shield bug this is?
NicoleBPhotography: Hairy (or Sloe) Shield bug (Dolicoris baccarum)
NicoleBPhotography: Any idea what kind of shield bug this is?