courneya: A volcano rises high above the Andean altiplano.
courneya: Waterfowl enjoy some high-altitude lakes.
courneya: A mother duck with her ducklings.
courneya: At the highest point on the Colca Canyon tour, many tourists made rock towers as an offering to the mountains.
courneya: The towers have no basis in Inca culture, they are purely a tourist artifact.
courneya: A view of Chivay, Peru from above.
courneya: The cathedral in Chivay, Peru, where we stayed before heading to the canyon to view condors.
courneya: The cathedral in Maca, Peru, near the Colca Canyon.
courneya: A look into the deep and majestic Colca Canyon.
courneya: These purple flowers decorated canyon walls.
courneya: A condor soars high over the Colca Canyon as the morning warms up.
courneya: At times we saw as many as seven condors soaring at once.
courneya: A top view of the condor as it catches the breeze.
courneya: A side view of a condor and of the mountains along the canyon.
courneya: A condor in the clear blue sky.
courneya: An adolescent condor takes flight.
courneya: Nicole, Ben, Leslie (back) and Pieter at the Colca Canyon's condor viewing area.
courneya: Ben, Nicole, Kris and Don pose in front of the Colca Valley after a successful morning of condor viewing.
courneya: The Colca valley is decorated in many places with agricultural terraces.