courneya: The ricketty barges used to transport buses across the Straight of Tiquina in Lake Titicaca.
courneya: The ruins of Pilko Kaina of the Isla del Sol, the largest island in Lake Titicaca.
courneya: A lone sailboat ventures into the lake.
courneya: Much of the terracing on the Isla del Sol dates from Inca times.
courneya: Lake Titicaca is flanked by snowy peaks such as Illampu.
courneya: Newer homes stand side-by-side with ancient ruins on the island.
courneya: The Fuente del Inca (Inca Fountain), still the main source of drinking water on the island.
courneya: The Escalera del Inca (Inca Stairway) leads from the shore of the lake to the Fuente del Inca.
courneya: The ancient stairway still serves as an important route up the hill.
courneya: The pathway up Cerro Calvario, a pilgrimage site on the edge of Copacabana.
courneya: One of the stations of the cross on Cerro Calvario.
courneya: Religious monuments on the summit of Cerro Calvario.
courneya: The view over Copacabana from the top of Cerro Calvario.
courneya: A look back down the path to the top of the hill.
courneya: This small church marks the beginning of the pilgrimage routs up Cerro Calvario.
courneya: A large truck waits outside the Copacabana cathedral to be blessed for safety.
courneya: The Copacabana cathedral exhibits much moorish influence in its design and large courtyard.
courneya: The intricately carved wooden doors of the cathedral depict important episodes in Copacabana's history.
courneya: The Capilla de Velas (Chapel of Candles), a side room in the cathedral where people light candles as prayers for others.
courneya: These vendors outside the cathedral sold all manner of decorations for objects to be blessed.