Nicolas Forestell:
Wilson’s Snipe at the Consumnes River Preseve
Nicolas Forestell:
One of the California Condors we saw while visiting Pinnacles National Park
Nicolas Forestell:
A Surfbird in Monterey along with a Black Turnstone in the background
Nicolas Forestell:
Black-backed Woodpecker near Vernon Lake
Nicolas Forestell:
Sandhill Cranes at Grass Lake
Nicolas Forestell:
White-Faced Ibis at Yolo Bypass Wildlife Area
Nicolas Forestell:
Western Kingbird at Yolo Bypass Wildlife Area
Nicolas Forestell:
Burrowing Owl along County Road 30
Nicolas Forestell:
Glossy Ibis at Woodland WTP
Nicolas Forestell:
Lesser Nighthawk at Cache Creek
Nicolas Forestell:
Pileated Woodpecker at Camp Mather
Nicolas Forestell:
Lawrence’s Goldfinch at Ackerson Meadow
Nicolas Forestell:
Hermit Warbler in Tuolumne Meadows
Nicolas Forestell:
Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch at Virginia Lakes Resort
Nicolas Forestell:
Gray Flycatcher around Mono Lake
Nicolas Forestell:
Brewers Sparrow around Mono Lake
Nicolas Forestell:
Black-backed Woodpecker at Big Springs Road
Nicolas Forestell:
Virginia Rail in Sierra Valley
Nicolas Forestell:
American Bittern in the Sierra Valley
Nicolas Forestell:
Sora in the Sierra Valley
Nicolas Forestell:
Townsend’s Solitaire in the Caribou Wilderness
Nicolas Forestell:
Black-backed Woodpecker in the Caribou Wilderness
Nicolas Forestell:
Sandhill Crane in the Caribou Wilderness
Nicolas Forestell:
Red-necked Phalarope at Woodland WTP
Nicolas Forestell:
Wilson’s Phalarope at Woodland WTP
Nicolas Forestell:
Nanday Parakeets in Sycamore Canyon
Nicolas Forestell:
Wrentit in Sycamore Canyon
Nicolas Forestell:
Bells Sparrow (rare, self found) in Sycamore Canyon
Nicolas Forestell:
Island Scrub-Jay at Scorpion Anchorage
Nicolas Forestell:
Nanday Parakeet in Solstice Canyon