Nicolas Forestell: A Fox Sparrow at Sutro Baths
Nicolas Forestell: Golden-crowned Sparrow at Crissy Field
Nicolas Forestell: Rare Vesper Sparrow at La Honda Creek Open Space Preserve
Nicolas Forestell: White-crowned Sparrow at Sutro Baths
Nicolas Forestell: Sagebrush Sparrow on Fort Road
Nicolas Forestell: A Wet Song Sparrow in the South African Garden
Nicolas Forestell: Rufous-crowned Sparrow on Upper Pine Flat Rd.
Nicolas Forestell: Grasshopper Sparrow at Abbot’s Lagoon
Nicolas Forestell: Lark Sparrow near Loma Alta Fire Road
Nicolas Forestell: Brewers Sparrow around Mono Lake
Nicolas Forestell: Bells Sparrow (rare, self found) in Sycamore Canyon
Nicolas Forestell: Green-Tailed Towhee in the Lakes Basin Recreation Area
Nicolas Forestell: Chipping Sparrow at Elk Glen Lake
Nicolas Forestell: Lark Sparrow near the West Maintenance Yard
Nicolas Forestell: Spotted Towhee at Rodeo Lagoon
Nicolas Forestell: Clay-Colored Sparrow at Infantry Terrace
Nicolas Forestell: Red-Backed Junco on the West Fork Trail
Nicolas Forestell: Lincoln’s Sparrow in the Fort Mason Community Garden
Nicolas Forestell: Bell’s Sparrow Along Petroleum Club Road
Nicolas Forestell: Bell’s Sparrow at Red Rock Canyon State Park
Nicolas Forestell: Black-Throated Sparrow at Red Rock Canyon State Park
Nicolas Forestell: Grasshopper Sparrow at Mount Burdell OSP
Nicolas Forestell: Abert’s Towhee at Sonny Bono National Wildlife Refuge
Nicolas Forestell: Black-Throated Sparrow in Joshua Tree National Park
Nicolas Forestell: Pink-Sided Junco in the Lamar Valley
Nicolas Forestell: Abert’s Towhee at the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum
Nicolas Forestell: Yellow-Eyed Junco at Rose Canyon Lake Campground
Nicolas Forestell: Savannah Sparrow at Sandy Point
Nicolas Forestell: Chipping Sparrow in Falmouth
Nicolas Forestell: Grasshopper Sparrow in the Francis Crane WMA